A cold snap has finally hit and perfect timing as well as I just purchased a new and stylish winter coat!
The pic to the left is the Cafe Tortoni logo but I intend to appropriate as the new monogram for all of my shirts, towels and sheets.
Finally some pics here
They are out of order much like my mind right now but enjoy.
Tonight I was napping when all of a sudden a chorus of "oohs" and "ahhs" reverberated through the apartment complex . Tommorrow being Nueva de Julio(Day of Independance) I thrust open the door expecting to witness flowering fireworks lighting up the winter sky. No such luck, it turns out it was the quarter finals of the Copa America and Argentina has just scored their first of four goals against Peru. Argentina swept Peru 4-0 so tommorrow being a national holiday I am imagining folks are going to be in doubly good form.
I have a bad habit of working backwards - what about yesterday?
Yesterday Savina came by the apartment and we drank more coffee and haphazzardly went about a castellano lesson(they don't call it Spanish in BA), from there we moved on to a cafe here in Palermo. Savina got clued in to the fact that the cafe served alfahor from Havana Cafe there which are widely reputed to be the best bar none. So in addition to ordering more cafe con leches I also ordered said alfahor. Savina proceeded to cut the alfahor into three pieces presumably for the table, yet while engaging us in imperfect tenses took the liberty of demolishing the entire desert. Upon finishing Savina declared "La puta que lo pario" which has a rough translation of "the whore that gave birth to you", Although this sounds fairly harsh I believe the english equivalent to be "son of a bitch!" She then advised us to order one for ourselves as well. Brilliant.
Our new friend Nick invited us to dinner with his friends Gnome, Ariana and her friends whose name ecsapes me at the moment. The place was called the Green Bamboo. A small gem of a Veietnamese restaurant in Palermo Soho. On the way to the restaurant Roman the manager of Lo Ded Jesus spotted us through the windown and came running out to say hello, told us to sit and came out with a bottle of wine. Roman is a real character who needs to be on Food Network or Top Chef. At one point the conversation turned to names. When I explained my entire name which is someting like 8 sylables he retorted "why you parents give you so many names when I am just going to call you Kiko anyway?" Ha ha ha ha. I tried to pay for the wine but he was having none of it then it was off to the Green Bamboo.
The problem with these 10:30 sit down dinners here is that before you know it your watch says 2:40AM which is exactly what happened.
Oh by the way it is now officialy cold here. 6 degrees Celcius to be exact.
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