I don't exactly consider myself to be a Philistine as neither me nor my family is from there but before today I had never heard of the artist Xul Solar.
In addition to his painting he invented two languages, his own pianos with three sets of keys and a time zone. Besides being an accomplished painter, musician and occultist he was also an architect - in short an art monster. One could only imagine the conversation at his cocktail parties. I don't know how to classify his work but it appeared to incorporate elements of Futurism, Cubism and Outsider Art. He worked primarily in water colors but there were also some oils (Tarot cards that I was disappointed they didn't reproduce and sell.) The museum itself is architecturally interesting, a kind of Brutalist style architecture - lots of large slabs of raw concrete. It's less of a museum and more of a foundation for his work and ideas. Amongst the couple hundred paintings there is also some sculpture and some ready made type pieces. I thoroughly enjoyed it and purchased four small lithographs that are printed on beautiful hand made paper that has the appearance of oil cloth. Anyway if you are interested in checking it out see the following LINK
I hesitate to bring up wine after talking about art for obvious reasons(insert joke here) but hey they do go together! That said I will mention the Bonarda grape. This is known in California as the Charbono grape which I have never heard of and is evidently Italian(Piedmont) in origin. In Argentina's San Mendoza region it's known by the name Bonarda. You can buy Malbecs here in the supermarket that are mixed with Bonarda that are fantastic. One label I love is called Uxmal. I am not sure what it sells for back home but it is $5.00 US a bottle here and is simply delicious.
OK I am off to a place called Las Cholas in Las Canitas which sounds like East L.A Gangsta food but their speciality is North Western Argentine cuisine which is known to be distinctly different from other parts of the country. The North West is known for a specific type of empanada and a humita tamale. I will let you know.
Buena Suerte
Is it pronounced like "zool" or "Zuul"? Cuz... if you recall, Zuul is a character from Ghostbusters I:
There is no Dana, only Zuul
That movie kicked ass.
zool ?
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